Asia Archivi - Terre des Hommes Italia




The work of Terre des Hommes in INDIASUPPORT FOR CHILDREN AND WOMEN IN INDIA In India, the second most populous country in the world where one-third of the population lives below the poverty line, wealth distribution is uneven, and the majority of people live in...

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The work of Terre des Hommes in BANGLADESHIn Bangladesh, one of the most densely populated countries with a high poverty rate in the world, we have been present since 1996. In this situation of extreme poverty, workers live without rights, and the most vulnerable...

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Ekotay Morjada – Unity for Dignity | EIDHR/2019/412-276

Ekotay Morjada – Unity for Dignity | EIDHR/2019/412-276

Il progetto ha l’obiettivo di lungo termine di contribuire ai diritti sociali ed economici delle lavoratrici domestiche e del settore tessile nella città di Dacca operando parallelamente con i titolari di doveri (lo Stato, le fabbriche del tessile e i datori di lavoro) che con le donne lavoratrici.

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