Paesi landing Archivi - Terre des Hommes Italia

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The work of Terre des Hommes in nicaraguaPresent in Nicaragua since 1999.In Nicaragua, school attendance is the lowest in Latin America: six and a half years. The crisis of 2018 caused a dramatic increase in the number of unemployed and damaged the already precarious...

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The Work of Terre des Hommes in HAITISUPPORT FOR CHILDREN IN HAITI. Terre des Hommes has been present in Haiti since 2010, when we responded to the emergency following the terrible earthquake of that year, and since then we have never left. Even today, Haiti remains...

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The work of Terre des Hommes in perùSUPPORT FOR CHILDREN IN PERU Terre des Hommes has been present in Peru since 2006. Despite the country's economic growth, a large segment of the population, especially in rural areas, lives in poverty. The pandemic in Peru has had a...

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The Work of Terre des Hommes in ECUADORIn Ecuador, we have been present since 2002. Here, 6 million children and adolescents, accounting for 35% of the country's population, reside, with one-third of them living in poverty. Early pregnancies are common among...

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The Work of Terre des Hommes in COLOMBIASince 2002, Terre des Hommes has been working in Colombia, the country with the highest number of internally displaced persons in the world. The tragic consequences of the political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela have...

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Maecenas faucibus mollis...

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The work of Terre des Hommes in SYRIAIn questo paese lacerato da 11 anni di guerra si stima che quasi 14,5 milioni di persone – tra cui 6,2 milioni di bambini – hanno bisogno di aiuti umanitari per sopravvivere. Moltissimi sono i profughi: 5,6 milioni hanno lasciato...

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The work of Terre des Hommes in palestineOUR COMMITMENT TO SUPPORT VULNERABLE CHILDREN IN PALESTINE Terre des Hommes Italy has been operating in Palestine since 2000. Our programs aim to promote and defend the fundamental rights of children from the most vulnerable...

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The work of Terre des Hommes in LebanonLebanon has the highest number of refugees per capita, with approximately 1.5 million Syrian refugees and 180,000 Palestinian refugees among a population of less than 6 million. Following the introduction of stricter regulations...

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The Work of Terre Des Hommes in IRAQIraq is a land where two crises and two stories of suffering intersect. Indeed, for decades, the Iraqi conflict, which began with the Second Gulf War in 2003, has brought instability and poverty to the civilian population. With the...

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The work of Terre des Hommes in JordanJordan has become a haven for hundreds of thousands of refugees, mainly from Syria and Iraq, who are victims of the conflicts in the Middle East in recent decades. Refugee families often live in dramatic conditions in official or...

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The work of Terre des Hommes in INDIASUPPORT FOR CHILDREN AND WOMEN IN INDIA In India, the second most populous country in the world where one-third of the population lives below the poverty line, wealth distribution is uneven, and the majority of people live in...

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The work of Terre des Hommes in BANGLADESHIn Bangladesh, one of the most densely populated countries with a high poverty rate in the world, we have been present since 1996. In this situation of extreme poverty, workers live without rights, and the most vulnerable...

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The work of Terre des Hommes in zimbabwe THE SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN AND WOMEN IN ZIMBABWE Terre des Hommes has been present in Zimbabwe since 2004, providing education and protection to children who are systematically denied access to basic services. The pandemic has...

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Maecenas faucibus mollis...

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The work of Terre des Hommes in mozambiqueTerre des Hommes has been present in Mozambique since 2000. The recent Cyclone Idai left about 1.85 million people, including 900,000 children, in need of protection and humanitarian assistance. Additionally, the cyclone has...

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The work of Terre des Hommes in MAURITANIASUPPORT FOR CHILDREN AND WOMEN IN MAURITANIA In Mauritania, where 75% of the population lives in poverty and the average life expectancy is around 45 years, Terre des Hommes has been present since 2009. Much of the population...

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The work of Terre des Hommes in LIBYATerre des Hommes has been in Libya since 2018. Years of devastation caused by the ongoing conflict have led the Libyan population to live in dramatic conditions of insecurity and vulnerability. Today, almost one and a half million...

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Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast

The work of Terre des Hommes in Ivory CoastSUPPORT FOR CHILDREN AND WOMEN IN IVORY COAST In Ivory Coast, we started working here in 1997 in a context heavily characterized by diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV. Malnutrition is still widespread, and infant...

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Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso

The work of Terre des Hommes in BURKINA FASOSUPPORT FOR CHILDREN AND WOMEN IN BURKINA FASO In Burkina Faso, one of the poorest countries in the world where approximately 41.1% of the population lives below the poverty line, Terre des Hommes has been present since...

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