Palestine - Terre des Hommes Italia


The work of Terre des Hommes in palestine


Terre des Hommes Italy has been operating in Palestine since 2000. Our programs aim to promote and defend the fundamental rights of children from the most vulnerable groups in Palestinian society, including the right to education, health, freedom of movement and expression, and balanced psychological development, in line with international conventions.

Over the years, we have implemented development and emergency interventions in East Jerusalem. In the most remote areas of the Hebron Governorate, we provide support to health and education services with a focus on addressing the needs of children with specific needs. In the refugee camps of Al Amari, Qalandia, and Al Jalazoun, we offer educational and training opportunities to children. In the Gaza Strip, we intervene in favor of people with disabilities. Finally, in rural and pastoral communities located in Area C/E1, we conduct psychosocial and socio-health support activities.

All these interventions have been carried out in coordination with the relevant Palestinian authorities (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Municipalities, and Village Committees), in partnership with numerous civil society associations, and in coordination with international NGOs operating in the territory.


What does our work consist of?

  • We organize psychosocial, cultural, sports, and recreational activities to support the educational path and psychosocial well-being of boys and girls in the most vulnerable areas of the West Bank.
  • With the “Ta’Lim Lil’Jami’a” project, funded by the European Commission and the UEFA Foundation for Children, and implemented in close coordination with the Directorate of Education, we contribute to improving educational services in East Jerusalem and support the development of an inclusive and quality education system through teacher training, school and extracurricular activities, parental involvement, creation and rehabilitation of spaces within public schools, and prevention of school dropout. Visit for more information.
  • We distribute educational-recreational kits, provide transportation services from homes to schools, and organize extracurricular activities such as summer camps.
  • We work to protect the rights of Palestinian boys and girls, in collaboration with local associations and international networks.
  • We carry out activities and meetings to develop creativity and active participation within the entire educational community, particularly focusing on the families of students in the public schools where we operate.



  • We support the learning and creativity development of children and adolescents by offering them educational support and creative learning workshops.
  • We ensure equipped, safe, and protected educational, recreational, and cultural spaces (sports fields, libraries, workshops), with attention also to the inclusion of children with learning difficulties, physical disabilities, and specific needs.
  • We carry out activities and meetings for the development of creativity and active participation, including among adults.
  • We organize meetings for families that involve parents in understanding the needs and development of children and young people.
  • We provide support to the most vulnerable families through medical screenings, school kits, winter clothing, or other essential materials (including hygiene and sanitary supplies during the pandemic).


Palestina: Aggiornamenti progetti

Palestina: Aggiornamenti progetti

In Palestina, il lavoro di Terre des Hommes Italia prosegue con il fine di preservare, per quanto possibile, i diritti dei bambini palestinesi, in collaborazione con le associazioni locali. Nella striscia di Gaza, il partner locale è la Palestinian Medical Relief...


Early Childhood – Etoolkit in Arabic

Early Childhood – Etoolkit in English


Burj Al-Luqluq Social Center Society
House of the Sun


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