Beirut: Child Protection and Psychosocial Needs Assessment Report - Terre des Hommes Italia

Beirut: Child Protection and Psychosocial Needs Assessment Report

On the 4th of August 2020, a disastrous explosion struck the Port of Beirut, sending destructive shockwaves throughout the city. The shockwaves destroyed most of the port area, devastated nearby residential and commercial areas within a 1- to 2-kilometer radius, and caused damages up to 20 kilometers from its epicentre. More than 180 people were killed (including at least 4 children), over 6,500 people were injured (including at least 1,000 children), and over 70,000 workers are estimated to have lost their jobs, affecting directly about 12,000 households.

Terre des Hommes Italy started its response immediately after the explosion, as field teams launched child protection activities in the blast area on August 6th. A strategic plan has been developed defining emergency and mid-term recovery actions in the affected areas.

To adequately inform our intervention and respond to the gap in available data about the impact of the blast on children’s psychosocial wellbeing, a Psychosocial Needs Assessment was developed, the first of this kind done by a NGOs after the blast. This assessment gathered critical data about the post-traumatic behaviours that may arise at household and community level, as well as adopted coping strategies, psychological needs, and the required psycho-social and case management interventions and follow up.

To read the full document of the assessment click here

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